Consulting on new business startup setup management

Nepal is a developing country having a various opportunity in the business. Nepal has not been able to exploit much of its potentiality towards the startup businesses. In order to harness and develop business, the government is encouraging private sectors of Nepal and foreign investors in various sectors such as hydropower, agriculture sectors etc. Finding right directions for New Business Startup consulting and Setup management is a key for success to new businesses.

Prioritizing the above statements, while to operate your startup effectively and efficiently, you need good business ideas. The startup business ideas become feasible if there should be conducting proper gap analysis, pre-feasibility study and feasibility study. Creating a culture of feedback inside a startup is difficult since there often seems to be a gap in their overall business strategy.

New Business Startup and Setup- What we do Greentick

Our approach

While to startup a business, businesses often tend to prepare a feasibility study and business plan solely for the loan or investment purposes. However, the business plan is more than a loan requirement.  Moreover, an effective business plan provides you to get finance service; help you to deliver your business ideas and can give you control over your business. Gradually, as per the increasing trend of entrepreneur spirit in Nepal special in agriculture sector such services can be important for them.

In addition, greentick offer users various tools such as Business Model Canvas to help you develop your business plan. We deliver our services not only to local customers but also facilitate in bringing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as per the policies under the Nepal Investment Board. Moreover, we provide financial projection services to perform competitor analysis and to test the profitability of the business.

Along with this, we facilitate you to derive milestones for your start-up business; and guide you on activities to meet the milestones through a comprehensive action plan. We assist you in creating a business pitch documents for your business plan. So that you would deliver your approach to investors for your business.