Consulting services for ISO 21101:2014 tourism safety advisory
Captivating risk brings rewards but at the same time, it also brings danger. Ensuring safety measures for the participant when providing an outdoor activity is extremely crucial for organizations. We never know when, where, or how the incident will take place during activity. Establishing a Safety Management System (SMS) in your organization to constant with the standard shows your assurance in providing safe adventure activities. ISO 21101:2014 Adventure Tourism Safety Management System standard is designed to provide a systematic approach to safety. The ISO Safety Management System can be implemented by any small or organizations operating its activities anywhere around the globe. Greentick provides ISO tourism safety advisory services to tourism industries in Nepal.

Benefits of ISO 21101:2014 includes:

- Develops a safety performance and procedure
- Ensures to meet requirements for participant and staff safety
- Exhibits safe practice
- Maintains compliance with appropriate legal and legislative requirements
Our services
To begin with, We at greentick offer you a consulting service and assistance to establish ISO 21101:2014 Adventure Tourism Safety Management System along with the process towards the certification. The establishment of this recognized Tourism Management System can develop your organization’s outcome with enhanced productivity and expression of a safe practice business move towards new and existing customers.
Our team of qualified experts in the Tourism Management System can assist your organization to meet the new requirements of ISO 21101:2014. With our consulting service and through this international standard, you can plan strategically, communicate, and deliver adventure tourism activities in a safe and practicable manner. The ISO 21101:2014 certification in your organization can become a strategic marketing technique to capture the attention of your potential customers.
Our Tourism Management System consulting service includes:
- The exclusively designed standard for organizations that provide adventure tourism and outdoor activities.
- Ensuring a feasible and safe working environment that includes clear safety policies, processes, and operating procedures.
- Addressing the appropriate regulative and legislative requirements.
- Providing audit services to your existing safety management plan.
- Providing and developing outdoor safety auditing.