Organization embraces working from home: How well is your data secured? Working From Home has become a new culture in the business world and information security IS a top priority. The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Governments worldwide were scrambling to grapple with this new […]

Introduction to Business Plan and Service Audit A plan is how you drive the future. Nearly all business experts agree on one thing: the importance of drafting a business plan and service audit, whether you are at the start-up stage, have been in business for years, or are ready to grow. The primary purpose of […]

Employment Scenario in Kathmandu Opportunities in Kathmandu Nepal Among the different driving factors for growth Kathmandu Valley, job opportunities and Employment Scenario in kathmandu Nepal are core factors. What we feel is that the number of jobless population is increasing significantly. This is due to lack of job opportunities within the country. Today, it is […]