emerging issues in nepal

Emerging Issues in Nepal

emerging issues in Nepal, there are innumerable issues that citizens are facing in their daily lives. These issues have been raised as very important by the scientific community but are yet to garner acceptable attention from the policy position community. The top 5 emerging issues  in Nepal that have been arising recently are compactly described below:


  1. Unemployment

Nepal’s rearmost unemployment rate calculated was 4.44% back in 2020. (Nepal – Unemployment rate 2020 | Statista)The major cause of unemployment is respect for the profession. People tend to be jobless rather than finding/ starting a job with minimal pay. Still, Nepalese people tend to risk their lives overseas for the same job and the same amount of money. Youths do not want to invest their time in Nepal.

Due to this, our country is backward in numerous sectors. The majority of youth and middle-aged people are leaving the country after being unemployed. The Government is also not suitable to induce employment openings for these people. As we all know Nepal depends upon remittance which is not a good practice in the global economy. Advanced situations of law and policymakers need to understand this situation and make an arrangement for employment openings in Nepal.


  1. Growing reliance on Financial Aid

Nepal has been receiving financial aid from different countries and it’s getting habitual. Nepal depends heavily upon foreign aid from different countries and associations similar as China, Japan, United Nations, India, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, etc.

Still, Nepal has not been able to use the aid due to which benefactors have been reported losing confidence in Nepal as a result of political hindrance and corruption in poverty relief. Besides, these Social Entrepreneurs are trying to address development issues through collectively sustainable domestic enterprise.


  1. Pollution

The State of Global Air report 2020 places Nepal among the top 10 countries with the lowest out-of-door PM2.5 levels in 2019. (One more report ranks Nepal among most polluted countries in the world (kathmandupost.com))With a periodic average emigration of 83.1 micrograms per cubic meter of PM2.5 in the country, Nepal was placed only behind India. PM2.5 level describes fine inhalable particles, with diameters that are generally 2.5 micrometers and smaller and the standard level is around 12 micrograms per cubic meter.

Nepal’s frequent top ranking in terms of poor air quality shows that we haven’t done enough to ameliorate the air quality over time. Alongside, the water is defiled by industrial and domestic waste and fresh discharge of unmanaged sewage. Also, all the household waste has created land pollution in different places in Nepal.

Inappropriate waste management by the government has misled citizens to dump the waste and garbage on the roadside, riverside, or at any commodious locations inevitably. Among all, water pollution has been the most serious environmental issue in Nepal. As a result, all these factors have affected Nepal to face a high quantum of water-borne conditions similar as diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid, cholera, etc.


  1. Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure enables trade, powers businesses, connects workers to their jobs and protects the nation from a decreasingly changeable natural environment. Nepal has not yet completely developed the infrastructure to boost its rapid-fire profitable growth. Also, it is given that infrastructural backups similar to ineffective and belated decision timber, operation, disposed land accession programs, lack of private investment, and others act as major stumbling blocks.

In the present environment, development is veritably delicate in Nepal because the maturity of the pastoral areas has not been integrated into the mainstream of frugality. After all, the introductory structure including roads, electricity, and communication has not yet reached out inversely.


  1. Unstable Political Situation

The standard description of political insecurity is the propensity of a government to collapse either because of conflicts or extensive competition between political parties. Also, the circumstance of a government change increases the liability of posterior changes. As of the moment, a majority of Nepalese still struggle to meet their basic requirements, with over 30 percent being at threat of falling into absolute poverty.

Considering the dire political instability, citizens are getting distrustful of their leaders. In despair, numerous youths have migrated to countries for a better future. Given the escalation of similar negative sentiments, the future of Nepal is bound to be bleak.

Although there are more emerging issues in Nepal that are yet to be focused on, however, the above-mentioned are the major issues that highly affecting the country and its citizens.